module Rake

  1. lib/rake/application.rb
  2. lib/rake/cloneable.rb
  3. lib/rake/default_loader.rb
  4. lib/rake/dsl_definition.rb
  5. lib/rake/early_time.rb
  6. lib/rake/file_creation_task.rb
  7. lib/rake/file_list.rb
  8. lib/rake/file_task.rb
  9. lib/rake/file_utils_ext.rb
  10. lib/rake/gempackagetask.rb
  11. lib/rake/invocation_chain.rb
  12. lib/rake/invocation_exception_mixin.rb
  13. lib/rake/loaders/makefile.rb
  14. lib/rake/multi_task.rb
  15. lib/rake/name_space.rb
  16. lib/rake/packagetask.rb
  17. lib/rake/parallel.rb
  18. lib/rake/pseudo_status.rb
  19. lib/rake/rake_module.rb
  20. lib/rake/rdoctask.rb
  21. lib/rake/rule_recursion_overflow_error.rb
  22. lib/rake/runtest.rb
  23. lib/rake/task.rb
  24. lib/rake/task_argument_error.rb
  25. lib/rake/task_arguments.rb
  26. lib/rake/task_manager.rb
  27. lib/rake/tasklib.rb
  28. lib/rake/testtask.rb
  29. lib/rake/version.rb
  30. lib/rake/win32.rb
  31. show all
Parent: win32.rb


Public Class

  1. application
  2. application=
  3. original_dir
  4. load_rakefile

Public Instance

  1. run_tests

Included modules

  1. Test::Unit::Assertions

Classes and Modules

  1. Application
  2. DefaultLoader
  3. EarlyTime
  4. FileCreationTask
  5. FileList
  6. FileTask
  7. InvocationChain
  8. MakefileLoader
  9. MultiTask
  10. NameSpace
  11. PackageTask
  12. InvokeInsideInvoke
  13. PseudoStatus
  14. RDocTask
  15. RuleRecursionOverflowError
  16. Task
  17. TaskArgumentError
  18. TaskArguments
  19. TaskLib
  20. TestTask
  21. AltSystem
  22. Cloneable
  23. DSL
  24. DeprecatedObjectDSL
  25. FileUtilsExt
  26. InvocationExceptionMixin
  27. Parallel
  28. TaskManager
  29. Version
  30. Win32


EARLY = EarlyTime.instance  
GemPackageTask = Gem::PackageTask  
RDocTask = RDoc::Task unless const_defined? :RDocTask  
EMPTY_TASK_ARGS =[], [])  
VERSION = Version::NUMBERS.join('.')  

Public Class methods

application ()

Current Rake Application

[show source]
    # File lib/rake/rake_module.rb, line 9
 9:     def application
10:       @application ||=
11:     end
application= (app)

Set the current Rake application object.

[show source]
    # File lib/rake/rake_module.rb, line 14
14:     def application=(app)
15:       @application = app
16:     end
original_dir ()

Return the original directory where the Rake application was started.

[show source]
    # File lib/rake/rake_module.rb, line 19
19:     def original_dir
20:       application.original_dir
21:     end
load_rakefile (path)

Load a rakefile.

[show source]
    # File lib/rake/rake_module.rb, line 24
24:     def load_rakefile(path)
25:       load(path)
26:     end

Public Instance methods

run_tests (pattern='test/test*.rb', log_enabled=false)
[show source]
    # File lib/rake/runtest.rb, line 7
 7:   def run_tests(pattern='test/test*.rb', log_enabled=false)
 8:     Dir["#{pattern}"].each { |fn|
 9:       $stderr.puts fn if log_enabled
10:       begin
11:         require fn
12:       rescue Exception => ex
13:         $stderr.puts "Error in #{fn}: #{ex.message}"
14:         $stderr.puts ex.backtrace
15:         assert false
16:       end
17:     }
18:   end